"The Gentle Dentist"
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How much time do I have to spend in the chair to get started on my Realine treatment?

Call (607) 324-1032
1) What kind of patients can Realine treat? 8) How will I know whether I will like the outcome of the Realine case or not? 15) What if I need new Vivera Retainers?
2) Why do teeth experience orthodontic relapse? 9) What is improper use of the Realine trays? 16) OK, let's go! How long until I can start my Realine treatment?
3) Using the Realine Clear Aligner System, how much movement can be accomplished? 10) What if you break or lose a Realine Aligner during treatment? 17) OK, we've started! How long until we're done?
4) Are there differences between Realine and Invisalign? 11) What is an Automated Refinement? 18) How many visits to Dr. Meyer's office are needed during Realine treatment?
5) What is required of the patient to develop a Realine treatment plan? 12) What about retainers? 19) How much will insurance chip in towards my Realine treatment?
6) How much time do I have to spend in the chair to get started on my Realine treatment? 13) What is a Vivera Retainer? 20) What about allergic responses to the Realine aligners?
7) How much does Realine treatment cost? 14) How long do I wear the Vivera Retainers?
How much time do I have to spend in the chair to get started on my Realine treatment?

Answer: The very first appointment is an evaluation appointment to see if you are a candidate for Realine. This takes 15 to 20 minutes.

If you are a candidate for Realine, your second appointment requires less than an hour. During this visit, impressions of your teeth are obtained, as well as pictures of your teeth and an X-Ray which spins around the outside of your head (called a panelipse X-Ray, or "pan" for short). This is the visit with the $250 "Records Acquisition" fee. This is the longest of all the visits.

Your third visit is a consultation with Dr. Meyer and a highly experienced staff member. You are shown your 3-D computer generated step-by-step treatment plan, demonstrating how each tooth is expected to move at each phase of your plan. This visit can take up to 30 minutes, depending on how many questions you have. Some people are done in as little as ten minutes - they're ready to start!

After your consultation visit, you have to make a choice. Did you like the projected results? If so, do you proceed, or not? It's up to you.

So to summarize, it will take about 2 hours of your time, over three easy visits, to get your Realine treatment started. There are other questions/answers in this section on how long it takes to fabricate your Realine trays, and how long active treatment usually lasts.

John P. Meyer, DDS
94 Main St. Hornell, NY 14843
(607) 324-1032
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