"The Gentle Dentist"
94 Main St.
Hornell, NY
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Extraction Healing

Call (607) 324-1032
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Dr. Meyer enjoys answering questions about dental care! This page contains dental facts and questions most frequently asked by patients. If you have a dental question, please feel free to submit it here.

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  1. LEAVE YOUR GAUZE IN FOR 2 HOURS, where Dr. Meyer placed it. Bite gently, but firmly, and let your initial blood clot form. You are ripping out the blood clot every time you check the gauze. This will delay healing and increase your pain. Also, do not rinse your mouth or blow your nose today; that will also dislodge the blood clot.
  2. A “DRY SOCKET” can be avoided by following these instructions. A dry socket occurs when your blood clot gets dislodged leaving the inside of your jaw bone exposed. This can be very painful. If you develop a dry socket, please call our office.
  3. BLEEDING is to be expected after and extraction. If you need to, use the extra gauze you were given by folding it in quarters and swapping out the initial gauze. Leave the new gauze in for another 2 hours, again biting down gently and firmly.
  4. SWELLING is expected after an extraction, possibly for several days after your procedure. The first 24 hours is the best time to address your swelling. A bag of chopped ice or frozen peas or corn wrapped in a towel should be applied to the affected area for intervals of ½ hour on and ½ hour off during the first 24 hours.
  5. MILD TO AVERAGE PAIN is usually controlled with any over-the-counter pain medication you like: Advil, Motrin, Tylenol, or Aleve. Best results are obtained by alternating Advil (ibuprofen) with Tylenol (acetaminophen) every 2 hours. If those medications don't work for you, please call the office and Dr. Meyer will phone in a prescription to your local pharmacy.
  6. A LIGHT, SOFT DIET is advised during the first 24 hours (ie soup, yogurt, oatmeal, pudding, etc.). Avoid hard, crunchy, or spicy foods, as well as carbonated beverages.
  7. BONY EDGES may work up through your gums during healing, sometimes appearing weeks or even months after your procedure. This is a normal part of healing which does not happen too often. If those bone chips are bothersome, call the office for a quick, easy, no charge visit.
  8. NO SMOKING for at least 24 hours as it delays healing and may cause excessive pain.
  9. NO HEAVY LIFTING or any other vigorous activity for the rest of today. You just had dental surgery, so please just relax and let your body heal.
  10. AFTER 24 HOURS you may rinse your mouth with a dilute salt water solution, especially after eating. Mix a pinch of salt in a short glass of warm water and gently swish in your mouth. Follow up with a gentle swish of plain warm water.
  11. IT IS NORMAL for there to be oozing from your extraction site for 24 to 48 hours after your procedure. Call our office at once if any unusual symptoms occur, such as excessive pain after taking medication(s), swelling, redness, or fever. After office hours, you may leave a message on our machine and we'll get back to you the next business day. You may also email Dr. Meyer:
     The proper care of your mouth after an extraction will speed your recovery and prevent complications. Any questions or concerns? Contact us – we're here to help!
     Dr. Meyer and staff
Frequently Asked Questions