"The Gentle Dentist"
94 Main St.
Hornell, NY
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Approved Images

Call (607) 324-1032
This is the page of pictures our patients have uploaded to our web site! These pictures create the screen saver pictures in Dr. Meyer's treatment rooms, as well as rotating through the home page of this web site.

You can upload your images and get up to $100 in credit on your dental account, just for helping us create a more interesting screen saver! You can easily create a free account. You can even upload pictures from your cell phone! Already have an account? Log In

All pictures will be approved for display within 2 business days. Please make sure you own the rights to the photo - no copyright infringement, please. Any problems with this photo uploader, or any questions in general, email FrontDesk at JPMeyer dot com. (Sorry, iPad/iPhone users, Apple doesn't allow this.)
1091 - 1096 of 1842 images
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1 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 369
Kinzua Skywalk
Kinzua Skywalk
Sunset-S. Dansville
Sunset-S. Dansville
Sunset-S. Dansville
Sunset-S. Dansville
1091 - 1096 of 1842 images
Display 5 10 25 all images per page.
1 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 369

John P. Meyer, DDS
94 Main St. Hornell, NY 14843
(607) 324-1032
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